Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My second Al-Anon meeting

I was looking forward to my second Al-anon meeting, I wanted to have an open heart and I was really hoping that Banana would benefit from it. I think it went well even thou she thought they talked too much and said too little or maybe she just had a hard time understanding. They gave us the book "Courage to Change" and we loved that, it's a pretty neat little book. Banana liked the people there and we talked about judging others; we had a deep conversation about it. We talked how we used to judge others when we knew something like drugs or alcohol was going on in their lives and now, how when we try to share our situation with a relative or a friend we recognize the same look we used to have, the get-the-hell-away-from-me look or even the what-the-hell-did-you-do-to-deserve-this look... yeah funny right? sometimes is much better to share this information with a complete stranger because you know that you won't be judge by somebody you love or care about.
 Alex left, she didn't want to be here with us any more. She found a ride to college and she left with her friend; the same friend she stayed with when didn't make it home and pretended that she had sent me a text message the night before telling me it was too late to make to home and she was staying at her friend's, I received the text message at 9 am the following morning....yeah very creative. Yesterday when she was leaving, she asked me to transfer some money from her savings account, I said ok. Thanks God I still have control of this money, I worry that she will have enough money for when the health insurance tries to withdraw the monthly payment. Paying for a weekly therapist and monthly psychiatrist plus medications doesn't come cheap without it, I really wish she would understand that; maybe she does but just doesn't care. Somehow I'm not upset, sad or relieved, right now I'm just in peace and trying to focus on this very moment. During the meeting somebody said "some problems are not meant to be solved" maybe this is the case... I will sit back and watch since there's nothing much I can do right now.

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