Sunday, April 1, 2012

Cheers to the good days (Ring day)

It's been a long road since everything started to happen, most of the time tiring and frustrating but we've had some really good days like this weekend. Alex got her graduation ring, she beat the odds of coming back to college last summer. She actually got back, it's been almost a year and she qualified to get the ring because she is a senior now. It was a fantastic experience being with her and seeing her face glowing with happiness, I chocked on my own tears for a minute but I recovered promptly. I admire the strength that she had to go back to school last summer after everybody knew that she'd been on a mental hospital for almost two months, her friends knew of her attempts of suicide and that she was taking a lot of medications. I was scared to death that she had to confront the name calling and the awful jokes about what had happened... But she overcame all that and now she has her very own shinny graduation ring and a big smile on her face, I couldn't be more proud of her. I didn't get to ride my bike on Saturday but it was all worth it, I had a great time even with the down, yup, it wasn't all perfect... you can't expect that when you deal with brain disorders but I don't want to go into details, not today, not this weekend, not this time; it was of weekend of celebration for us as a family. I got to ride today and it was awesome. Perfect weather and I felt good, it was the happiness inside of me indeed.

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